08 Feb 2017

A question about : Cost of a juliet balcony

Wondered iof anyone knew hat a juliet balcony might cost?

The window is 6 foot wide so would just need to be deepened, doors fitted and then the railing installed.

A radiator below window would also need to be removed with, presumably, the pipework between the sides joined together and hidden under bottom of doors (radiator not required).


Best answers:

  • Nice of you to join up and advertise.
  • I can't work out the point of a Juliet balcony, all you can do is hang out the window, its not like you can sit out there admiring the view.
  • I think the main thing is aesthetic. It looks nice to have large patio type glass in a room. Let's in a lot of light. Also lets in lots of fresh air on balmy summer days.
  • To the OP, look on eBay and the web. They are not that expensive really
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