11 Jun 2016

A question about : Completing my VAT return at HMRC


Really confused.
Hubby and I have recently set up our own business and are VAT registered. Hubby was previously a sole trader and completed his self assessment online on the HMRC website.
Our Gateway details (to log in) for the new VAT reg company seem to take us to his self assessment details (there is an option to then go to VAT returns).
Can that be right?
Would we as a limited company have the same Gateway number as he had to submit his self assessment as a sole trader?


Best answers:

  • Depends which Govt Gateway login used when you registered for company taxes. I suspect it's possible to have used the same gateway ID and then it will lead through to both personal things like SA returns and also the company things like CT,PAYE and VAT. I don't think there's any necessity to have a different gateway ID between personal and business, but I've always kept things completely separate so can't say for sure. What's the name on the VAT reg certificate - if it says ABC Limited, then it's fine - if it says Fred Smith, then you've a problem!
  • Thanks for that. I think we've just used the original one so have asked for the new log in detail to be sent again.
    We registered the new business under a trading name (not based on our names) so that's ok.
    We did that back in October but didn't start trading until December.
    When are we likely to need to submit our first vat return?
  • When it tells you it's due, if you registered in October you need to log in and look for an Open for the period, you may even be overdue at this point.
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