04 Jun 2019

A question about : Complaint / compensation

Hi all,
I am looking for advice on how I can have an offer of Ј200 compensation from Santander increased. I have had a very frustrating complaint in relation to their handling of my account (loan taken when buying a car) which has been going on since August 2014. I have had the FOS involved who have accepted Santander have been at fault, and the outcome is I have been offered Ј200 compensation. I won't bore you with full details but there have been so many issues and given that it has taken so long to resolve, I do not feel this is a fitting offer. I do not wish to be greedy - I had set out initially a request for Ј400. FOS have advised me to accept this first offer of Ј200. Could anyone advise if I have any way I can make my request for more? I am pretty stuck of where to turn or what to do next. As it stands I have just emailed FOS and declined the offer and stated I wanted reimbursed the full Ј400

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

Best answers:

  • If you are asking to be reimbursed it implies you had costs for Ј400. If this is the case then simply provide the supporting evidence and I am sure they will refund your money.
    If you are effectively asking for goodwill then you will just have to ask them to up their offer.
  • Accept their offer conditionally. The condition being that they also reimburse you for any costs incurred on top of the Ј200.
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