28 Nov 2017

A question about : The Compers Inn Part 39

A shiny new Inn.

same rules as before

Chat about anything and everything in this thread (at least it will keep the boards clean)

Keep proper comping discussions to the other threads in the Discussion Board


Best answers:

  • Thanks divadee! Couldn't understand why I couldn't post a few minutes ago.
    Morning all,
    Seems to be really quiet all over MSE this morning. Must be too cold for everyone to get up. Supposed to be nice here today so must think of something to do. Only another week until DD's school holidays - time is just flying in. Looking forward to a few days at Porthcawl but worried what the weather will be like.
    Really pleased to find my original dolfin avvy
    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
    sheils x
  • good morning all
    thanks diva
    great to see your dolphin again sheils
    it's realy cute love the dancing frog
    suns lovely here this morning
    still a wee bit nippy but lovely & bright
    hope it's like it tomorrow for the festival
    off for a shower & then a quick walk to shops for some bits & pieces
    got the big tesco shop arriving this afto
    here's to a lucky day to all
    SYL x
  • It's lovely day here in Somerset - haven't been out yet though . I have bought my grandson's christmas present (well one of them) from amazon this morning, a ride on fire engine -so excited. Have been summoned DD for a visit as we haven't seen them for a few weeks - she lives about 20 mins away by train but there's a great big hill between us & the station and there are only steps on one of the platforms which a) hurts my hip & b) means carrying her pushchair up (if she visits us) so we both tend to put things off , we do chat on facebook though (unlike DS1 who only contacts us when he wants something). Som we have arranged to go & see them on Monday - break open the painkillers
  • Morning all.
    Thanks for the new Inn Diva
    Hope everyone has a good saturday. No real plans for me as far as i know so will do as much comping as i can
    Will actually register my code too to kick start the photography course
  • Morning..
    nice new inn thanks Diva. Very wet and chilly here today,I sometimes wish I could hibernate till summer but after this years summer I don't think I will bother.lol. Hope you all have a good day
  • I See we have a new Inn again, all nice and shiny and clean, thanks. Hope everyone finds us again and we dont loose anyone on the way.
    Hope you headache has gone this morning Becks.
    Fantastic pics Sheils and Firefly.
    Hamsterfan, know what you mean about Stations our in Durham is up a really steep long hill and if you take the car up its too expensive to park and you can never find a space anyway. Hope you have a lovely time when you visit family on Monday anyway.
    The sun is coming out so will have to get out in the garden and replant my bulbs I dug up when we put the fence up. Think its time garden furniture was in as well, which means we will have to sort out the outhouse before we can get them in.
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend, postie hasn't been yet so there is still chance of a win coming.
  • Morning everyone
    Its lovely and sunny here so going to try to get the garden done this afternoon. Everytime we say we're going to cut the lawn, it rains grrr. Got washing on the line too.
    Hope we all have a good weekend.
  • Morning all, it's rained here all night so DH got soaked, came in just after 6 and went out with Coops at 8 and got soaked again. He's in bed now, 2 more nights to go.
    We were going food shopping this morning but DD has only just got up so we're going to leave it until tomorrow. Parking is bad if you go too late. She can't seem to get her sleep patterns back since her trip.
    We are going to pop into town then back for some comping. Have a great Saturday all.
  • Thanks Diva for the new Inn
    I was having a lovely dream that postie brought loads of little parcels but jasper came and woke me up as I was opening them!
    Hamsterfan, enjoy your time with your DD
    Are you not working today Becks? Or is it tomorrow you work?
    Sheils, love the dancing frog! I bet princessmoneysaver would like that one as her DD loves frogs.
    Hope it's nice and sunny for the festival tomorrow for you fire**fly the sun is shining here too (for now)
    Maybe the sun will show his face for you soon indie
    Good luck with the gardening Sylvia and zombie
    I hate food shopping on a Saturday too Sue, hope your dd gets back into her normal routine
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Morning new Inn
    Hope everyone has a nice weekend with perhaps a win or two! It's lovely and sunny here too so we're going to go feed the ducks and have lunch out. I'm ahead with comping so I'm having the weekend off.
    Good luck all xx
  • Just sneaked in from the gardening, DH is going to miss me out there soon so need to be quick.
    Have put some nice vegie soup on with carrots, sweet potato and spinach, should be ready when we have finished.
    DH has come in to complain, catch you all later
  • We have two outhouses alongside our house which we needed to cear and sort before winter, as you do, I knew there was a mouse as I had a black cloth in there that I use to put down on the lawn for the DGK's in the summer.
    Not kind I know but asked DH to pull out the boxes at the back of the long outhouse, didn't tell him about the.... Out popped a...
    He screamed (although he won't admit to doing so) I screamed and the mouse shot out past my legs... the air was blue I can tell you.
    Back to it now need to get it finished, catch you all later.
  • Headache has gone thanks Sylvia which is a good job as forgot to get my painkillers with the few bits of shopping i picked up last night.
    Postie bought me two more of the cadbury mini bubbly bars so I have had all of them now and then the parcel man came with my order from the catalogue. Must stop spending now as this week alone I have stocked my winter wardrobe up with two pairs of jeans, a wooly jumper and four tops
    oh yes and trainers (oops) ...but trainers i needed because my old ones have split and were leaking (that's my excuse anywy)
  • It does you good to have a good spend sometimes Becks and at least you have got useful items. Glad your headache has gone now.
  • Tesco delivery booked for Tuesday night (at the cheapest time possible so between 8pm and 10pm...hope our lift is working by then or i will have grumpy tesco delivery man to deal with)
  • Shiny new inn! Thanks Divadee.
    Well, I didn't sleep very well as I had another nightmare. At first I thought it was a night terror but apparently with night terrors you don't remember what has terrified you, whereas with nightmares it's more common to be able to remember.
    I get alot of nightmares anyway, but they tend to be very lucid! Apparently it's not uncommon in people with my mental health disorders, which kind of makes me feel better and scared at the same time!
    Lucid dreams are okay, but lucid nightmares are terrifying and my nightmares don't even consist of anything in particular. They're almost like lucid hallucinations to me!
    Anyway, postie brought the second Dairy Milk Bubbly that I won so one for DH and one for myself now.
    DH is looking forward to this week as it's our 2nd wedding anniversary, his Chaos codex (Warhammer rulebook for his army) is released and we should be getting the new car!
    Dexter is very active today. He keeps kicking me in the ribs. It's so uncomfortable but I'd be more worried if he wasn't moving!
  • DH gets very vivid dreams (nightmares) too LM, his doctor says it is al lto do with the medication he is on for his depression and anxiety
    I had a weird dream last night that my dad was getting married and I was in the wrong place with no outfit and no way of getting to where i was supposed to be. Very odd
  • Sounds like everyone is having a busy day. We had a lovely drive out, started off heading through Galloway Forest Park which was
    UKs first Dark Sky Park, climbed away up a hill to a well known monument and came back along the coast. We also called in to a nearby town and went to Aldi and Sainsburys so had a busy time.
    I am having to use my old lappy as DS3 has borrowed my good one.
    I can never remember my dreams but luckily never seem to have bad ones.
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