18 May 2016

A question about : Collection of wages

I work in a restaurant and get paid a week in arrears in cash. Previously we have been able to collect our wages anytime after Monday evening (which is when the payslips come through). We have just been told that the ONLY time we can now collect our wages is between 5:30pm and 6:30pm on a Monday. If we miss this slot then we'll have to wait until the following weeks time slot.
I don't feel like I should have to come into work on my day off to collect my wages, and what about people that have other jobs and cannot make it in. This doesn't seem legal to me, does anyone know if there are any laws against this?

Thank you!

Best answers:

  • What does your employment contract say?
  • I don't have a contract as our hours are changed every week and our employer won't pay us into our accounts as the turnover of staff is high.
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