10 May 2017

A question about : cheap-ish tuesday nite out in cardiff

great offer advertised in the local paper, if you're so inclined....

on tuesday night, you can see any film at the ster cinema (the one by the stadium) for Ј3, and then if you pop up the road with your ticket stub and go to the hard rock cafe, you can get *scratches head and tries to remember*...

...i cant remember whether its a drink and a meal, or a two course meal..im pretty sure its the first one, but either way...

for Ј9. not a bad night out for Ј12 in all fairness....the average meal in hard rock would set you back that much alone title=Cool

Best answers:

  • Ah yeah I saw that, got posters up in Ster. I think you're right it was a meal and a drink. You a Cardiff student too?
  • i have been known to drink the dAIRK in KAIRdiffff AIRMsssss PAIRK :lol:
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