29 May 2017

A question about : Charity Rollercoaster Ride

Hi All

Wanted to really post to say me, my other half and 3 friends are taking part in a charity rollercoaster ride at Oakwood Leisure Park on May 14th 2006 raising money for the NSPCC.

We have done similar events for the past 2 years, raising money for Cancer Research UK and SANE.

Basically we sit on a rollercoaster all day (although toilet breaks are allowed)

This year we are riding on their wooden rollercoaster called Megafobia, last year we rode this and I was the only one to stay on all day

Best answers:

  • I think you should be made to go on a Waltzer all day - really earn that money!
  • GOod luck Bunnie, you are a braver person than me!
    Don't forget if you have a mention on the NSPCC website you can post the link so we can see.
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