27 May 2017

A question about : Charities that might want home-cooked / baked food?

Evening title=Smile

A friend of mine loves baking and has some spare time on her hands so would love to put her skills to use for charity. She was thinking maybe a womens' refuge or a homeless shelter? Does anyone know anywhere around the chipping norton kind of area that might be interested, or of any national charities that have local branches? (She would prefer to bake at home and then donate the food rather than actually volunteer as a helper.)

Thanks for your help! Any ideas welcome as we have run out of ideas!

Best answers:

  • If you google homeless shelter Chipping Norton you'll find that Mungos Broadway (national charity) does some work in that area.
  • Thanks Sue I will look that up, that gives us somewhere to start!
  • That is very true, we were wondering about that. It seems that it is ok for people to sell cakes to fundraise though, so hoping the same rules apply? Probably some kind of community scheme would be more likely to accept help though do you think? Although still not finding anything!
  • Contact your local WI (or whatever they are called now)
    My mum used do donate a shed load of her baked goods to them every week that either went into their sale of goods or was used at their coffee mornings.
    All the money raised went to locally funded good causes.
  • Good idea thank-you!
  • I work for a women's charity and we gratefully accept home made cakes, it would indeed be a major headache if someone became ill as a result of eating our cakes but it hasn't happened so far, and the risks are quite low with cooked cakes, surely?
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