04 Sep 2015

A question about : Changing School

My child's school are struggling to cope with his behavior he is aggressive punches his teacher pulls her hair and bites her as well we have looked at a Special school but unfortunately they cant take him until Sept as they have no space. So the local authority are trying to put in more support for my child which I think is not going to work because as time goes on he is going to get worse and Sept is a long way away.

What should I do we have social services involved but they are not much help ether I feel like i am stuck and no help infact help which is not good enough. Thank you

Best answers:

  • From a teacher's point of view, I can feel your frustration, and the school's too. This is clearly not the best environment for your child to be educated.
    Does your child have a statement? Or just an IEP? On the statement, you have the chance to name the correct educational setting for your child, be it a special school or a mainstream school. Statements are powerful documents, so make sure you read it carefully and can be sure everything listed is available to your child.
    Unfortunately, special schools are in short supply. We need about three times as many as there are in existence. Places are in huge demand, and to be offered a definite place in September is something which you should hang on to. If you decline it without a better alternative, you're right back to square one. I cannot tell you how many parents would give their right arm for an offer of a special school place, even one seven months down the line.
    I don't know which county you're in, but the one I teach in offers specially trained outreach teaching assistants. They're fully trained in special needs education, restraint when the child puts themselves or others in danger, and behaviour management techniques, and are assigned to children who are not coping in their mainstream school. They go out to the child in their school. We also have respite units within some schools, which are a sort of halfway house between mainstream and special schools. No more than 6 children in them, 1 adult looking after 2 children. The idea is that a more detailed assessment of the child can be made in this setting. Could you ask if that sort of thing is available where you are?
    Social Services, in my experience, will not be as much help as the school in your situation. The school is the first port of call for matters of education.
  • What extra support have you been offered and why do you think it won't work?
    My daughter has challenging behaviour and she has been offered some sort of extra one-to-one sessions, which we are going to give a try.
  • What age is your child? Homeschooling a child nearing GCSE's is obviously going to be far more demanding than homeschooling an 8 yo.
  • How do you manage with his behaviour at home?
  • I work as a BSE Specialist (behaviour, Social and Emotional) within KS1 and KS2 schools. Can you tell me why your child has a SEN?
  • Is his behaviour different at home?
    Home schooling may be an option if his bahaviour is improved at home, if it is just as bad then there is no advantage.
  • Schools often have to deal with autistic children. A good TA (teacher's assistant) might be the answer. They could work with your child 1on1 and help manage his behaviour as it sounds like its an issue at school.
  • I have done some research online about taking my child out of school and home educating him till he gets a space at this Special School in Sept. But I have come across some information which has left me even more worried. If I take him out of school and because he has SEN Statement the authority will cancel that and it will also jeprodise his place at the new school in Sept.
    Can someone tell me if this is right because I am confused as it leaves me with no option to leave at the school. Thank you
  • Contact IPSEA https://www.ipsea.org.uk
    You can book a phonecall with them to discuss your case in detail.
    Their website should help a lot too.
  • Does this help at all?
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