24 Jul 2015

A question about : cat's pee!

Any ideas on how to get rid of the stench of cat's pee on a carpet? I have tried carpet shampoo specially for this purpose - to no avail, vinegar & lemon in water, neat vinegar, and the pong is still there. Taking up the carpet is the very last resort as not only is it very firmly stuck down, but emptying the room - which is my office - would be a nightmare. All suggestions gratefully received!

Best answers:

  • oxy-bleach might help, and it doesn't bleach out the colour.
    Perhaps sprinkling dry bicarb and then vacuuming after a couple of hours might do the trick. Don't they put that into cat litter to neutralise the smell?
    Good luck
  • you need to wash the wall above the stain,
    they spray the walls as well, so you might find the carpet actually doesnt smell, but the smell is still on the wall
    sniff at cat bum height round the room
    bicarb and vinegar will do it spray it all over the walls at that height and on the carpet then blot off
    then buy a cork--- approach cat carefully --- ------ -----
  • I have a lovely mental picture of a very indignant cat watching you sniff the walls at cat-bum height
    Some years ago now my neighbour's cat sprayed on my computer. Did me a favour thogh 'cos I needed a new one!! :-/
    My foster cat had a few little accidents when she first came to live with me and I found that bicarb worked well (on the carpet not the cat)! :-*
  • This must be a particularly potent pee because I just can't seem to get rid of it, it has been somewhat diminished by the use of bicarb, so maybe I need to keep on using it but please keep your suggestions coming in - it definitely the the carpet btw :
  • https://www.faqs.org/qa/qa-7780.html
    Have a look at the link above, for some suggestions. If you do a search on google for removing cat pee smell or something similar you'll find lots.
    I've heard the enzyme products work well, i think they're available from the UK too.
  • Have you tried 1001 no vac foam carpet freshner?
    It's on try me free (I bought mine in Asda).
    It worked for me after cat pooped on carpet.
  • I believe non-bio washing powder works, a vet told me
  • The only thing that has worked is to use my steam cleaner on the carpet. It stinks to high heaven when you're steaming the area (so open your windows!) but once that smell has gone you're left with a fresh carpet.
  • yep, steam cleaning kills germs too. to prevent cat peeing there again spray with anything lmony. cats supposedly hate it.
  • Many thanks for all your suggestions :-*- the bicarb seems to be doing the trick - although I'm sure I can still detect a faint whiff, so I will keep all your suggestions to hand. I have been thinking of buying a steam cleaner - can any of you recommend one please?
  • A lot of the time these whiffs seem to stay in your nose. I remember when my cat had broght a mouse in the house unknown to me and it had died behind some furniture. I didn't know about it until I noticed the smell. Sorted it out but could still 'smell' it weeks later. I mad eeveryone who came to the house sniff around the area where it had been and nobody could smell anything but I stll thought that I could! :-/
  • With me it was a rotting vole so I know what you mean.
    Luv my brass - My steam cleaner does not remove the smell of cat pee it just infuses it around the whole house.
    Sometimes if you completley remove the smell of the cat pee you encourage the offending critter to pee there again. Especially if it is a Tom marking his territory. To stop this put a plastic bag over the area to keep him/her off. They then usually go and 'do it' in the other corner! ???
  • Oh this thread has just brought back memories of the smell of that decomposing mouse under the sofa......
    Cats, don't you just love them!
    I read somewhere that a mixture of bicarb of soda and lemon juice is very good for removing odours.
  • Ive got a polti steam cleaner that i used a lot at first now its in the cupboard and I found it useless for carpets etc
    the vax upright ive got is invaluable
    wonderful bit of kit for stairs carpets rugs car seats etc
    wouldnt be without it
  • came into this thread expecting to find someone had posted a use for it
    cat's pee I mean ;D
  • Interesting one this is....
    My kitty has taken to using under the stair case to use for a toilet, :confused: so I have bought her another litter tray - which is under the stair case, and she is using that one a lot. I keep them really clean, and change the litter frequently, so its not like she wants somewhere cleaner.
    My problem is - she pee'd on two of our holdall's which were being stored under the stairs, and now smell quite bad! Im interested to find out how to clean them and get rid of the smell, and how to make sure the carpet doesnt smell either!
    Any suggestions?
    Jo xx
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