26 Sep 2016

A question about : Cateract surgery for Dogs

Can any one tell me the approx cost of cataract surgery for a dog and has anyone any experience or recommendations for surgery?

Best answers:

  • The approx cost for canine cataract surgery in the UK is anywhere between Ј1.5k & Ј5k depending upon lots of variables.
    Over the years I've had 2x dogs with cataracts.
    Surgery wasn't an option for the first dog 25yrs ago, but he had a very happy & fulfilling life for a few years after with very poor eyesight.
    The 2nd dog was 5yrs ago. When the vet wanted Ј3k we told her where to stick it, strangely this quickly reduced to Ј1.5k, but we still didn't go with it.
    Dogs can live with very poor or even zero eyesight, just like we can.
  • I had a dog with diabetes induced cataracts - came on very quickly and it was heartbreaking to see his loss of confidence. I suppose that eventually they adapt but as surgery was an option I went for it. Only one eye - at a cost of Ј1500 including follow ups. The difference in the dog was quick and amazing - all his confidence back with sight in just one eye. His insurance wasn't enough to do both eyes (I have learnt now to always have more cover than you expect to ever need!) but the insurance did pay for the surgery to one eye. I would never willingly leave a dog totally blind.
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