18 Sep 2016

A question about : Cat Food Dilemma

Do you give to the collections basket in Supermarkets?.

I don't because i can't afford to title=Embarrassment

I would if i could.

It's a pity people whose cats are in need are unable to be given a box (like a Food Bank).

Best answers:

  • I agree as in times of hardship it's not just humans who suffer. I would happily give to an animal food bank. I've just done a Google search and they do exist, maybe there is one in your area you might qualify for?
  • Bit unsure of what you mean by giving food to those with cats to feed. Many rescues do have collections, or Amazon wish lists, or receive donations to buy food. I worked in a petshop that had a bin for everyone to place in donations, e.g. food their pet didn't like, or an extra tin or two added to their shopping, and we placed in short-dated food or older stock we didn't need. This was then given to a local rescue (dogs and cats) to use.
    For individuals who've chosen to take in animals - pets are a luxury, as such, and it's our responsibility to only take on pets we can afford. I know life is unpredictable, and time is tough, but I wouldn't expect my pets to be anyone else's responsibility.
  • I know what you mean as there were times when it was just Smudge and me and I really struggled to make ends meet BUT as soon as I got paid every month, I went out & bought all his food for the next month & put money aside into his vet account so I didn't have to worry
    Could you not do something like that?
    I was in Li*dl at the weekend and I picked up a couple of boxes of their dry food for my local rescue - it was 89p. I thought it was 750g but when I got home, I discovered it was actually 1kg. They also had packs of 6 cans for Ј1.99.
    Now, I know we'd probably rather feed better foods if we can - but, if times are hard then the above should get you by in the short term.
  • People can and do donate pet food to food banks. A lot if people who are in need of food banks have pets and so we will give out dog/cat food where needed.
  • I donate about Ј25.00 worth of cat food to a couple of cat rescues now and again, say 3 times per year. One is a feral project.
    I order from Asda and they deliver it to the projects. If anyone is really struggling then food banks like the person above said or Lidl. Also try butchers for pet scraps. Tiger meat from Asda is also cheap.
  • I do buy something to put in the cats protection league basket in Tesco every now and then.
    I feel a bit conflicted by it though because the food I donate is usually Whiskas or the supermarket own brand equivalent, I buy whatever is on offer. I know it's not really good quality food and wouldn't feed it to my own cat, but I can't afford to donate Bozita etc, if only I could.
  • I will usually buy a 6-pack of Butcher's cat or dog food tins for our local animal shelter basket in Tesco.
    Butcher's is relatively cheap but has a good meat content percentage so it satisfies both my need to help and knowing that the food isn't complete crap (like Felix or Whiskas). There's also about 4 meals per tin for cats.
    I would feed my cat on Butcher's but he doesn't like it for some reason. My dog used to wolf anything down, of course!
  • Yep, it's mainly the grain content that I meant when I wrote "crap", as well as a very low meat content.
    Considering that a cat is an obligate carnivore - it HAS to eat meat to stay healthy (unlike a dog who can eat anything) - and that it's digestive system cannot process grain products, it's a cheap filler that some companies put into their pet food to bulk it out.
    So the buyer is basically paying for something that the cat cannot fully benefit from.
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