08 Dec 2016

A question about : Cash withdrawals from UK in the US

My daughter is going to be in the States from August-December on an exchange. She wants to know how she can withdraw money from her Santander account in the UK without incurring endless transaction fees. She's threatening to keep all her cash under her bed (!) but surely there must be an answer to how to manage your money more cheaply than just using ATMs?
Many thanks for any advice.

Best answers:

  • Perhaps she can open a more suitable account. Metro Bank.
    But what has this to do with Crown Currency??
  • I was kinda puzzled about where I should post my question because 4 months is not a holiday and this seemed to be a currency exchange thread. Thanks for your reply Nifty Digits and if there is a better thread, then please let me know and I'll repost there.
  • Just to say many thanks for the info.
    Crown currency is a weird one and I must admit after a moment's thought I did discard the 'crown' and decided to plump for the currency heading. To the unitiated crown brings up images of coins with crowns on and suggests British or something like it - sorry obviously wrong but in a busy life you make swift decisions!
    p.s. I just googled crown currency and see that it is something to do with a failed Cornwall currency company (?), well sorry I had no idea.
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