26 Oct 2016

A question about : cash to USA

I'm travelling out to USA for holiday in March. I do not own a credit card and never have, will that be a problem in the states. I was planning to take out cash only? is that advisable approx $4k, advise needed.

Best answers:

  • you can take cash only, but your risk...
    I took $2K recently that said, so each to their own
    Most decent hotels will let you check in with cash, (assuming you have not prepaid) as long as you can show ID, and of course you will not be able to charge to your room
  • personally i would get a prepaid card for that amount ( or most of it )
    just on previous experience with immigration if you get pulled and then they will ask you how much cash you got and if you say 4k you'll get the 3rd degree
    happened to me a couple years ago i had $1500 cash and was asked why i had so much etc etc , now i take a good wedge on a prepaid card plus i got my clarity card and a couple 100 in cash and still get asked i just say i will use my credit card for purchases
  • I'd have multiple cards stored in separate places so that if something does go wrong you aren't up a creek without a paddle.
  • we have paid up front for our hotels and car hire, so cash was just for meals and fuel etc. i guess a clarity card would be a good move. thanks for all your replies,
  • also bare in mind that your travel insurance probably wont cover a large amount most only cover Ј200 worth
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