19 Aug 2015

A question about : carers allowance

Hi there. I've been a reader for a while but have not posted before so please be kind. I get pip at the enhanced rate for both. The time has come where I need more help so would my daughter be able to be my carer? She works 16 hours a week ( she has a 6 year old),receives child benefit and working tax credit. She earns Ј107 a week from her job. How would this work? Would my pip payments go down? If she gave up her job to be my full time carer would she be drastically worse off? Many thanks.

Best answers:

  • she is allowed to earn Ј102 a week and claim carers allowance. some expenses can be deducted from her earnings such as childcare costs.
    do you receive any other benefits?
    so you live alone?
  • Will she be caring for you for at least 35 hours a week? It's more than double the amount of hours that she currently works, and for less money.
  • teabag, why do you have to post your rubbish on every dissability benefit thread. it's getting a bit tiresome. Its not the benefit gravy train as your so fond of stating its about helping people to get their entitlements. Yes she can claim ca op and if she gave up work she could get income support as well.
  • You can only claim ca if you earn less than Ј102 a week though. So shed be better to give up work and claim income support top up. which would give her Ј106 a week. So would only be a pound worse of. But this should be made up with housing and council tax benefit.
  • I gave advice which is what the mother asked for, she also asked for people to be kind to her. Maybe she doesnt want a load of strangers doing personnel care or thieving of her which is what happened to my nanna. I stated that she cant claim ca unless she gives up work as her earnings are too high.
    The state would have to pay far more than Ј61 a week if carers came in.
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