27 May 2015

A question about : Can changes of circumstances (income) be reported in writing only?

Hi everyone,

Is it possible, in order to report a change in circumstances (a new job) to Tax Credits and Housing Benefit, to do so in writing only? Or is calling them necessary?

Best answers:

  • Tax credits you can do either. Although I would suggest phoning.
  • it needs to be in writing for HB, you need to complete a Change of
    Circumstances form and provide payslips
  • Ok, thanks !
  • I wrote to tax credits but had no response despite clearly asking for acknowledgement. I then rang and waited 20 mins for an answer. They had got the letter and said acting on it that day so suspect you need to follow up with a call if no response to letter.
  • Ok thank you sheeps68, that helps and I will !
  • Each council may like notification differently - my current council, I am more than happy for people to call in as calls are recorded and it is much quicker and cost effective for my team but other councils insist on letters / e-mails.
    I don't think you will get in trouble for doing it in writing but they may try to encourage you to do it another way as it's cheaper for us
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