21 May 2016

A question about : Can anyone interpret this please

1)!!!A person satisfies such conditions as may be prescribed for the purposes of section 55(1)(of the Act(5) if that person satisfies any of the conditions in sub-paragraphs (2) and (3).

(2)!The person is receiving full-time education (which is not advanced education)—

(a)by attendance at a recognised educational establishment; or

(b)elsewhere, if the education is recognised by the Secretary of State.

(3)!The person is a person in respect of whom child benefit is payable.”.

Does this mean satisfy any conditions in 2 and 3

Or any conditions in either 2 or 3

Thank you

Best answers:

  • it means that they have to be in full time, non advanced education at a recognised establishment and on a recognised course.
    if that is the case then you would be receiving child benefit...
    so really to qualify for one of the conditions you are really qualifying for them all!
  • Not in my case no child benefit payable child claiming adult benefits but still in education .. So does this mean you have to be in education and getting child benefit or does it mea either child benefit or education
    The way I read it it mean any condition in 2 as in education and child benefit must be in payment..
    Child support are say either college or child benefit
    Because it says any of the conditions but that means 2 cos there iis more then one condition, at the end it says and child benefit not or child benefit
  • A person can ask for a statutory child maintenance arrangement as long as:
    From options website
    the person asking to receive child maintenance has the main day-to-day care of the child and lives in the UK, and
    the parent expected to pay child maintenance lives in the UK, or works in the civil service, the armed forces or for a UK-based company, and
    no court order is in place from before 2003, or there is a court order from after April 2003 but it was set up more than 12 months before the application.
    The child named in the application is:
    under the age of 16, or
    between 16 and their 20th birthday and undertaking full-time, non-advanced education, or
    between 16 and their 20th birthday, registered with certain types of government-approved training courses, and child benefit is in payment.
    Previously the upper age limit was the 19th birthday, but this changed in late 2012 to bring the age limits in line with those of Child Benefit. This change applies to all the child maintenance schemes.
    Anyone help
  • I understand this as:
    Sub para 2
    - a
    - b
    Sub para 3
    Q: Person satisfies any of the conditions in sub-paragraphs (2) and (3)
    A: (2.a or 2.b or 3)
    Q: Person satisfies any of the conditions in sub-paragraph (2) and the condition in sub-paragraph (3)
    A: (2.a and 3) or (2.b and 3)
  • It's okay guys, at the bottom in explanatory notes it takes you to the full act.. Silly me
    FFor anybody in the future it means both
    and so both need be satisfied
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