06 Sep 2016

A question about : Buying out in Divorce

Hope someone can shed some light on this situation!

If a woman is buying the man out (in a divorce settlement) should the man be expected to pay half her costs of doing this?
She wants him to pay for a survey (house was originally surveyed when they bought together) and all fees associated with her buying him out.

Surely they are her costs as it is her new mortgage.

He realises will have to bear the costs of having his name removed from the original mortgage.

Best answers:

  • There are no set rules.
    When I bought my ex-wife out, I paid for absolutely everything, including removing her name from the mortgage.
    It's really up to them to come to a mutual agreement on who pays for what. Preferably without getting solicitors involved.
  • Apparently, if you want a 'clean break' divorce then you're expected to make some concessions.
    Which concessions you decide to make would be up to you, in discussion with your solicitor.
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