08 Sep 2016

A question about : Budget Help

Hello All you clever people, does anyone have a spreadsheet set up that could track my maternity pay income on a sliding scale and also my outgoings? I am RUBBISH when it comes to excel spreadsheets. Can such a thing exist? My husband wants me to do it as we are moving house next month and almost trebling our mortgage title=EEK! so its a case of needing to know how much we will have coming in and my wages have pretty much all gone into savings in the past but we might have to start using them a little bit more day to day.

Best answers:

  • If your property tax and homeowner's insurance are in do not itemize them on the form. They'll be included in your monthly mortgage payment.
    Some of your expenses, such as your mortgage, are fixed because they stay the same each month. Other expenses, such as gas for your car or entertainment, are variables that change from month to month.
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