22 Oct 2016

A question about : British Airways & Virgin Atlanic worldwide sales

OFFICIAL/ What's this about?

Both British Airways and Virgin Atlantic are running seat sales from London Heathrow, with return flights to New York from Ј299, Rio Ј389, Mumbai Ј329 and more, including most taxes & charges.

Many prices are identical with both airlines, but while they're reasonable for BA and Virgin (and upgrades to Premium economy especially), they can often, though not always, be undercut. For example, the cheapest we found to NYC was Ј250 and Mumbai was Ј287 - Rio was a winner.

/ Don't search 'em direct...

The dates you can travel vary according to destination, with exclusions for Xmas. Some destinations are for flights from 8 Nov '09 to 1 Dec, others are for the New Year, from 11 Jan to 31 March '10.
Got a specific date & location in mind?

If you're looking to go away to a certain destination on specific dates, don't bother looking at the sales direct, as the results are included in the cheap flight screenscrapers Kayak* and Travelsupermarket*.

So use those and it'll show you the sales costs and also the cheapest general cost, so you can see if it's worth it. See Cheap Flights guide for more info.
Just browsing for a bargain?

In this case, it's worth looking at the specific sales at British Airways* and Virgin Atlantic* websitesdetails yourself for available dates and destinations, and seeing if it's worth planning your getaway around them. Then compare them to the best of the screenscrapers above.
Remember, for safety, if booking pay on a credit card to get extra protection, see the Section 75 guide for full info.

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Thanks to MoneySaver dmg24 for this fab spot!
This post has been inserted to give a detailed guide

* Using these links helps the site stay ad-free and free to use, as they're 'affiliated links' which invisibly take you via price comparison services like Moneysupermarket or affiliate sites, this then means if you end up getting a product this site gets revenue

You shouldn't notice any difference, the links don't impact the product at all and the editorial line (the things we write) is NEVER impacted by the revenue. If it isn't possible to get an affiliate link for the best product, its still listed in the same way. The following links BA, Virgin, Kayak and Travelsupermarket are identical unaffiliated links provided for the sake of transparency. Click on the following link for more details on how this site's financed.

Best answers:

  • Earlier than predicted, BA have just started a worldwide sale!
    These are good prices for what is not usually one of the big sales (usually around Christmas/ New Year).
  • There is a small advert on the BA homepage stating that the January 2010 sale starts on 23rd Dec.
    Does not give any routes or prices yet, but will be interesting to see what the prices will be to try to win back some of the custom they have probably lost with all the recent strike talk.
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