03 Sep 2015

A question about : booking wedding reception venue


Does anyone have any tips re: booking a venue for a wedding reception. Ideally my sister (her wedding) would like to use outside caterer's at a local hotel. We know they have let ppl do this in the past but when we enquired about it they said no. Does anyone know a way around this, also does anyone have any tips or questions we should be asking. Thanks

Best answers:

  • I guess it depends on how big a wedding you hold. They probably make more money on the food than the room itself so if they give you the room they forego any profit on food (and any profit they could have made on another wedding party taking room and food). Also they may be foregoing any money made on drinks etc. if yours is smaller bash than someone else wanting to do the same.
    As it is venues often hold the upper hand as many (especially if they are good venues/popular) will have more than one wedding vying for each weekend
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