04 Sep 2015

A question about : BOGOF on Leather Babies Toddlers shoes

Have a look at Robeez - they look similar to daisy roots, Starchild, Bobux. www.robeez.co.uk
I got mine this morning - and they are very well made especially where the leather meets the ankle and prettier than in the photos. I'm very impressed with them.
They come in really nice packing too so ideal for gifts
Postage is free too so it works out at Ј7.50 a pair all in.

Best answers:

  • Is there a promotional code I should be using? It doesn't give me one free...
  • You get a pop up window when you go onto the site - it gives you the code (not much use if you use a pop up blocker!!) and is valid until 29th July.
    The code is 1FREE
    Hope that helps!
  • I'll try that- thanks.
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