27 Dec 2016

A question about : Bicycle Bells

I think bicycle bells should be replaced with some kind of gadget which would temporarily induce a continuous and fairly loud clicking or squeaking which would sound like some kind of fault on the bike. A bicycle bell is frequently unheard and sometimes sounds aggressive as well as making pedestrians jump out of their skin.

Best answers:

  • I would require all cyclists to whistle a happy tune when approaching pedestrians. It would make the world a nicer place.
    Sure, you'd have to ban people who can't whistle from cycling, but you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
  • I assume you're joking? People certainly don't take notice of bikes when they have a noisy fault on them.
  • Don't feed the troll.
  • Try flicking your gears that usually gets their attention, then if that doesn't work the bell..
  • I usually just pull a big skid when i'm right behind pedestrians so they know i'm approaching
    (not really)
  • My wife and kids have bells on their bikes, which are ok on family jaunts on shared paths. If a pedestrian moves into my path when I'm cycling on my own, I move out of his way.
    Nothing else needed.
  • I got a bell to give the miserable minority one less thing to complain about. Now they just glare (miserably).
    Maybe nervous pedestrians should have mirrors fitted to the sides of their head.
    I want one of these for Christmas. We should all get them and make the world a better place.
  • I believe that the designers of electric cars are aware of the dangers which can arise from a silent approach. I really hope that the owners of electric cars will not be able to specify their own approach tones in the same way that phone users can specify their own ring tones.
    If we ever reach the point where the roads are totally populated by bikes and electric motor vehicles, then how will we overcome the absence of sound?
    Road safety currently depends upon listening almost as much as it depends upon looking.
  • I earnestly suggest that any fellow perambulating a bicycle should be required to escort a cow with a bell round the neck, so as to advise unbewittingst civil-folk of impending calamity.
  • I have these things called "eyes"...
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