24 Mar 2019

A question about : Best way to spend in turkey

Going to oludinez in Turkey early July. Whats the best way to spend or carry money in Turkey. We usually go to France or Spain and i would use my nationwide credit card for all purchases & nationwide debit card for any cash withdrawals needed but these would attract loading in Turkey. I've heard its better to change your money there to. is this right
Thanks for looking
Richard w

Best answers:

  • Has nobody any advise
  • I assume you've checked about your card because for some purposes (travel insurance for example) turkey is considered part of Europe.
    I have a Post Office Credit Card which I use for any unexpected purchases and occasionally in restaurants. Mostly I use cash but that's personal choice.
    I'm sure you'll want to go to Fethiye market while you're there and there will be other things you'll need TL for. I always take sterling and change it as I go along. That's a throwback from when inflation was so massive in Turkey that the rate changed daily but the habit's stuck. You'll get good rates whether it's in banks, PTT (Post Office) or shops. Banks are plentiful with ATMs.
    I think if you posted on the main holiday board you'd get more replies.
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