17 Sep 2016

A question about : Best car seat

I'm looking for recommendations for a from birth car seat please.
I got one with our travel system but it's awful.

Looking for something with an ISOFIX base, any suggestions please?

Best answers:

  • We have the maxi cosi Cabriofix, which we like. Which one do you have at the moment?
  • For the first six months we use a Britax baby safe sleeper then the Max Fix so they are rear facing until about four. I don't see the point in travel systems as unless you have a lay flat car seat a baby can only spend a couple of hours in them anyway.
  • We were bought the travel system and have only used the car seat to get him home from hospital. I'm recovering from a c section so wont be driving for a few weeks, so plenty of time to get a new one sorted.
    I'll have a look at both of those thanks, just SO many to choose from.
  • I found having a car seat that clipped to the pushchair very handy for things like popping to the shops - wouldn't be in it for more than a couple of hours and a lot easier than waking a sleeping baby to put in a pushchair!
    I had the maxi cosi & would recommend it - you can get isofix or belted base for the car. You can get adaptors for a lot of buggys that turn them into a travel system, however not sure if that would be the case if you have one with a car seat included.
  • We've got the Maxi Cosi Pebble and Family Fix base
    Baby not due until May so not used it yet, but it looks comfortable
  • What kind of car do you have? Different seats will fit differently so that might be why your travel system seat seems so bad.
    My DS1 is in a Britax Dualfix. It stays rearfacing until 18kg and is suitable from birth.
  • We had a maxi cosi cabriofix with the isofix base, think it's the easy fix. Couldn't fault it. Found it very easy to clip in and out of my car, was able to clip onto pram and sat in trolley at the supermarket. Had it belted in husband's car and it was very secure and our son was in the seat until he was 14 months. Most of my antenatal group had the same one as well. There are so many to choose from though!
  • we have the silver cross ventura as part of the travel system, it also fits onto the pram chassis and I find it very handy, saves taking the pram section out if not out for long. It is very easy with the isofix base and would recommend it.
  • Klippan kiss 2 rear facing until 4 can't recommend it more and my son loves it.
  • I have a Mazda 3 - new shape. I'll have a look at some of the ones recommended. Thanks folks
  • Look into an extended rear facing seat - will keep your baby rear facing for longer and therefore 5 times safer and last until they are about 4 years old.
    Joie make 'affordable' ones which can be purchased in some Mothercare shops or the Two Way Elite is a fantastic seat.
  • been reading with interest.
  • Pebble without a base.
  • Gave up on the ones that clip onto travel systems very rapidly - I don't know if I'm weak or daft or what but I couldn't carry them without my arm being ripped out of its sockets and my shins bruised to hell. So went for a Britax First Class plus with the newborn bit left in that stayed in the car with both of mine.
  • We have a maxi cosi Cabriofix and it's very good.
  • As a car seat fitter, I would never recommend the Britax First Class or any similar seat. The position for newborns is dreadful. Buy a specialist newborn seat. These are my views on the following popular seats all of which fit on the majority of travel systems:
    Maxi Cosi Cabrio - Excellent safety when isofixed, poor safety when belt routed. Newborn position too upright and not really healthy. Fits many travel systems. Not a fan!
    Maxi Cosi Pebble - Excellent safety when isofixed, average safety when belt routed. Good newborn position, nice and reclined. Fits many travel systems. iSize ready with 2-way fix base and 2 way Pearl. A good choice
    BeSafe Izi Go - Excellent safety when isofixed or belt routed. Great newborn position, fits many travel systems. Light to lift. Great all rounder.
    Cybex Aton 3 - Probably safest overall car seat if a little heavy. Great newborn position, fits many travel systems. Great seat but weight could be an issue.
  • We've got a mamas and papas Aton with base. Really good as is the move base. I've got a fiat 500 and fits in well as its notorious for its lack of space!
  • Maxi Cosi everytime!
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