10 May 2016

A question about : being forced out of job

i work for a very large pharmacy brand, and have been employed in a responsible role for nearly 5 years, in last month a new store manager has taken over the store.

he offered me some hours extra which i agreed.

few days back we had a discussion about a fellow workers lack of work, my manager refused my concerns and said she is brilliant and can sell anything to anyone.
i wasnt happy and said surely she should be here to do her job she is paid for and not stand around chatting to people, while i do her work for her, manager wasnt happy i questioned this.

5 days later i asked him about the hours he offered me, his response was i dont think i want you working here anymore

dont question me

she is my fav staff member

and the hours offered removed. and he ignores me daily, and find ways not to communicate with me.

i feel he is pushing me out of the job as his fav staff memeber is also trained in my job.

what should i do or say

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