17 Oct 2016

A question about : Australia flights Ј499 & New Zealand Ј519

What's the deal?

Australian airline Qantas is running a seat sale from London, with return flights to Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane and Auckland starting at a super-low Ј499, including most taxes & charges (the next cheapest is c. Ј600). There're also flights to Christchurch and Auckland (in New Zealand) for Ј519.

The deals on flights departing from London Heathrow between now and 23 June 2009. There is still good availability at the moment, but the sale ends this 2 June, so you'll have to be quick.

How to find 'em

The flights are available direct through Qantas, but for a more advanced search you can use screenscraper Kayak*. Enter your trip details and it'll zip them to scores of normal airlines, including Qantas, to find the cheapest.

If you don't mind when you fly, there's a quick way to get an idea which dates are available. On the Kayak homepage, enter London to Sydney (or the whichever destination you're looking for).

A box of 'best fares' should then appear on the right hand side. If you flick through the months, it should be clear which dates have Ј499 flights. Just search for a flight leaving on that date, and hopefully the cheap fare will still be available.

Remember for safety if booking, pay on a credit card to get extra protection, see the Section 75 guide for full info.

Don't assume it's automatically cheapest though
Always compare it to the results from the Cheap & Free Flights guide

This deal was originally spotted by MoneySaver Jeff121, and this post was inserted to give everyone the full lowdown. Thanks for the fantastic find!

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You shouldn't notice any difference, the links don't impact the product at all and the editorial line (the things we write) is NEVER impacted by the revenue. If it isn't possible to get an affiliate link for the best product, its still listed in the same way. The following link Kayak is an identical unaffiliated link provided for the sake of transparency. Click on the following link for more details on how this site's financed.

Best answers:

  • Hi
    Just received an offer from Qantas. Some cheap flights for those who can travel within the next few weeks, also good package deals.
    "Use the Walkabout fare to travel to one of 5 Australian, 4 New Zealand or 2 Far East destinations. Experience Australia from Ј499, New Zealand from Ј519, or Bangkok and Singapore from Ј399.
    Travel for departure between 22 May to 23 June 2009.
    Sale ends 2 June 2009!
    Prices are correct as at 22 May 2009"
  • Yes, great prices.
    BUT worth checking the likely climate, weather and daylight times for your destination before booking. It is Autumn/Winter down there at the moment.
  • If you fancy a trip to Sydney later in the year, then Etihad (UAE's airline) will take you there and back for Ј494 between 01/09 and 30/11. The offer's only on until the 28th May, so it'll require some quick booking!
    If you miss out, I'm sure there'll be another Australia deal soon ... flights were about Ј420 back in March (and New Zealand under Ј400) and there seem to be constant bargains.
  • :rolleyes:I was wondering if any of you guys out there could help me, my family are all planning on going to Sydney for Christmas this year, including New Year.
    However I know you moneysavers are really good at knowing your bargains, so does anyone know when would be the best time to book? We don't need accommodation as staying with family, so its just flights. I really dont wanna pay tooo much, after all it isn't exactly at the best time of year what with it being Oz summer.
    Thanks in advance if any of you guys can help
  • Keep an eye on the flights EVERY DAY. Last weekend, our flights went up by Ј300 in one day so worth checking every day and booking when you do spot a good deal.
  • hi I have just been in touch with Etihad and there was no sale? the cheapest return flight I could find was 820? did you mean you could get flight for 494 exclu tax? I am trying to plan a year out to oz and want to leave in oct - do you think it is worth my while hanging on in the hope quantas have another sale for this time of year?
  • both myself and my parter are look to go to Aus next year March/April/May for 4 weeks... from what iv seen were likely to get the best deal much closer to the time of departure? in a sale... not booking way ahead...?
  • If taking a year out, beginning in October, consider flying Air Asia X to Oz. One way flight via KL is around Ј300 plus luggage.
  • Hi Guys, some help would be greatly appreciated since you lot seem to know what you're talking about!
    I'm going to see friends in Adelaide at the end of the year and i've booked a month off work so i'm going to have a few weeks with them and then a few weeks in thailand before coming back. Since this is a few stops planning flights seems to be a nightmare. I went on kayak.co.uk and just put in all destinations lhr-adelaide-bangkok-lhr and the price came to over Ј3400 which is a joke, so i then tried individual prices and got the following:
    Cathay Pacific - LHR to Adelaide Ј508 (25/12/09)
    Singapore Air - Adelaide to Bangkok Ј396 (10/1/10)
    Kuwait Air - Bangkok to LHR Ј334 (28/1/10)
    Which works out at Ј1238 which is a lot cheaper but i'm not sure about flying with these airlines or if there is a better overall option that i'm missing.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
  • Start your own thread.
  • ok will do. thanks
  • over the last several years, Emirates have consistently been the cheapest. another benefit is it's almost halfway to Perth, so you avoid a 13 hour flight to Asia. I booked in February, for flights in July, and was around Ј500 each.
    Whatever you do, flying late December - early Jan is always going to be expensive. It's viciously expensive if you fly just before Christmas, and slightly less just after. I've checked every possibility, and now resigned to always missing Christmas with family, unless I win the lottery.
    Australia in winter is much like a typical UK summer on many days. More so the further north you go. Best time to go would be spring or autumn, unless you really want it to be hot, but it's cheap to fly there in winter, so long as you avoid our summer holiday times (July/August)
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