27 Dec 2017

A question about : Are you a morning lark or an evening owl?

Would you say you're more of a morning or evening person? Take this quick quiz to find out how your internal body clock impacts your daily life.

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Best answers:

  • I only really start to function after I've had a mid-morning snack and coffee, so late morning onwards for me.
  • I'm an owl for sure. Only by the night lol.
  • Morning chap, me.
    Not in the really annoying overly chipper happy-camper way, but I get tired at night! Also, on a weekend I'll get up at 5.30am like I do during the week; if I have to get up at that time when I don't want to then I sure as hell will get up and make the most of my time.
  • That's an interesting quiz. I came out as 'balanced', which actually means I am knackered all the time...
  • I'm an owl - You're no stranger to burning the midnight oil and love a late night. However, mornings are a struggle - aren't they designed for lie-ins anyway?
    The 'Explore Your Body Clock' bit was quite interesting. I think I might have 'social jet lag' (although I don't smoke & am not overweight).
  • I'm an Extreme Owl - could be partly due to having worked a lot of horrendous night shifts but rather that than the 4am alarm for an early shift!
  • Lark here - although insomnia contributes! 10 years ago I was an Owl, I miss those days!
  • I'm a lark, always have been. Mind you have been known to not get up till 8am (that is very late for me)
  • pity there's no longer a link for the quiz.
    Extreme owl here, and have discovered one of the benefits of age is the apparent need for less sleep. I can be chirpy at 0700 on 'play' days if something good is planned, but when I used to work shifts my favourite was 1400 - 2200 and we used to go out afterwards.
  • Morning definitely. Rarely in bed later than 6AM.
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