31 Dec 2017

A question about : Are you better at maths than the internet?

How good are your maths skills compared with everyone else on the internet? Find out with this quick quiz and let us know how you got on.

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Best answers:

  • argh 78%! my standards are slipping.....
    should always read the questions twice.
  • Oh dear - four wrong
  • 13/14
    Even after reading the answer to the one I got wrong, I still don't understand it
  • I love doing things like this as I'm hopeless at maths - I missed so much schooling when I was young!
    I think I did quite well at 7 out of 14, better than I expected.
    A lot of them were really weird and I had no idea!
  • 13/14, 92%.
  • Apparently I'm paul erdos. (14/14) , but I do teach a maths related subject at university.
  • 13/14, but I thought I got them all right as I was going through, and I couldn't see any option to see which was wrong. Fairly easy, though, other than the calculus one (I got that right) which is a bit unfair IMO.
  • Apparently I'm paul erdos. (14/14)
    Can feel the nerves kicking in as you answer more correctly
  • I'm Spartacus!
  • ........no.........
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