25 Jan 2018

A question about : Are DEA helpful?

For disabled people are Disability Employment Advisers helpful for securing employment (after one has disclosed all the health conditions but found fit for work)?


Best answers:

  • At the least, they can modify the jobseekers agreement to be more appropriate.
    For example - limiting the hours you must seek work for to be appropriate for your condition.
  • Mine gave me a lot of useful advice.
  • Mine is. He sent me to remploy where I get help in job searching I got offered to attend a college on a boarding basis or travel for free but that ment leaving my part time job. He amended my agreement for jsa to restrict telephone work. He has a laugh with me but he doesn't read word for word on job ads out despite me being able to read.
    Only thing is he seems to forget I have a job offer and still pushing me to attend places and apply for jobs
  • I currently work so it's not a vacatian it is topping up my income. What I meant about him pushing me to attend places is that I am still searching and applying for jobs anyways I am not slacking off but he is trying to get me doing work as a carer which wouldn't suit me. He is giving me job info on jobs that are not suitable even though I told him several times I don't have the qualifications in that area.
    I have put in a lot of nhs applications and in other areas but getting rejected still.
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