10 Apr 2017

A question about : April 2011 Brides and Grooms

Hi All,

Cant see one for April Brides & Grooms! So here we are.

we have provisionally held the 23rd April 2011 title=Thanks,

Best answers:

  • Hi all - at what point should I think about booking a florist? Im told some are booked up quite far in advance? x
  • WOOHOO!! Congratulations Mrs Moore to be and good luck! It's a lovely time of year. We have also just decided on an Easter 2011 wedding - off to the vicars this week to confirm dates but I am hoping for around 23rd April too...
    Can you tell me if you are marrying in church - as I wasn't sure if you could get married over the Easter period? Although I guess the downside to a pre-Easter Sunday church wedding is the lack of flowers due to Lent.
    Another question - does anyone know when the school Easter holidays are next year? I'm led to believe that because Easter is late, that the holidays will end on Tuesday 26th April...? (we've got lots of family coming from overseas with young kids!!)
    Huge thanks
  • Woohoo! Finally we have a thread!
    April 8th 2011 for us
  • 8th April for us too!! It'll be our 5 year dating anniversary
    So, how far have all you April 2011 lovelies got?
    Sorry I can't help with flowers as I'm going down the artificial route and already have them Put down deposit on the venue two weeks ago. Picked up my ring from Birmingham Jewellery Quarter last weekend (highly recommend Newey's - they've been nothing but fab!) DF is hand designing his ring from scratch so that's going to take a while. Found my dream dress at the end of Jan but it's currently four sizes too big so my mum is going to work her magic on it... either that or I need to eat a lot of doughnuts over the next year!
    Think I've rambled on long enough now lol... but big congrats to all my fellow April brides-to-be
    Jem xx
  • April 16th 2011 for us!
    Pleased to meet you all!
  • April 15th for us - it was the closest Friday to our anniversary, which is on the 19th April. (although we still need to book the venue so it's not really definite!). Almost a date twin Gleeful :-))
  • Oooh hello ladies ! Congratulations to you all !!
    We booked and paid our deposit on our venue last night....so feeling very excited about it now !!
    We booked 30th April which will be 6 years to the day of our first date !
    OH is really dining out on the fact though that out of a list of dates the venue owner gave us...I missed the 30th
    WHen he asked me if any date stood out I said I fancied the 9th April no significant reason just liked it, and completely missed the date I should have picked !
    Other than booking the venue we have done nothing else, but have been researching...so am not too worried...although looks like I have some catching up to do !
    Happy planning ladies...I look forward to picking up lots of tips from you all X
  • Welcome Misty!
    Your OH sounds like mine - dining out on something like that!
    You ahve booked and paid for your venue - ahead of me!
    Where are we all from too? Im in Oxford xx
  • Glad I'm not suffering alone Mrs Moore to be !!
    Sounds like you will have caught up with me by the weekend !
    I'm in Cambridgeshire...getting married in Bedfordshire....we are having a civil ceremony so have to be banging on the registry office door on the 30th April this year to book them up...they won't let you provisionally book unfortunately...the venue are confident that we will get the time we want...with worst case scenario we have it slightly earlier or later...so I'm not worrying about it.
  • We ordered our save the dates today (already posted on the chat thread so sorry if you are seeing this twice..)
    We are booked in to meet a caterer on the 6th of April, but have also been recommended another one, by someone at work who is having the same venue.
  • We've booked!! HURRAH! Easter Saturday 2011 (St George's Day - so will have to try and work in a bit of red-white-blue theme...!) at the local village church. Reception to be held in marquee my garden - fingers crossed for dry weather )
    Booked wedding on the Wednesday evening - by Friday the rellies from America had already booked flights... gulp!
    Just like Mrs Moore to be - our lovely vicar is going to try and get the flower arrangers in early to decorate the church after Lent.
    Just working out what flower's are going to out at the end of April as we're going to try and decorate the tables ourselves to save money. Anyone know where I can get cheap tall flower vases?
  • Ooh - it's making me excited knowing that everyone is starting to book their venues.
    We're still looking around at potential venues - we've seen 3 and have got another 3 to see this weekend. Although tbh; I already know which one I want (I keep picturing it in my head when thinking of colour scheme scenarios!! lol).
  • We are getting married at 23rd April 2011.. Our theme is red and white for St George's flag.. I am so excited.. We have booked and paid for the venue, going to see a church next week have sorted the photograph and am going dress shopping on Tuesday cause I cant wait any longer... :-)
  • Hiya!
    Changed our date but still an april bride - 30th!! how exciting!!! x
  • We met the caterers today. They are a very slick operation and will be great. Little bit over budget but nevermind!
  • Just think... this time next year!!! eeeekkkk
  • Looks like I may be a part of this thread. I proposed on Saturday and then took the future Mrs Slick to the Jewellery Quarter to find a nice ring - didn't take long once we found Newey's! (Thanks to recommendations from this site )
    We're provisionally looking at 16th April. Was initially thinking of October 2010 as this would be our 10 year 'dating' anniversary but more time was needed to diet apparently! (her not me )
    We're both in education so school holidays was a necessity, however, inconveniently the Easter holidays next year are quite varied in the different counties, some breaking up on Friday 8th (for two weeks), some at least a week later. So the 16th should just about be OK for family/friends from across the country (many of whom are also in education...).
    Did a first costs calculation last night and it, erm, soon started to add up! Refinement definitely needed!
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