10 Sep 2015

A question about : ALDI / LIDL Thread Moved Yet Again!

Good / Bad Buys In Aldi or Lidl thread has been stuck in the depths of hell (the Gone Off section) of the Grocery board for ages now.

Please please please can someone put it back where it should be??


Best answers:

  • Hi!
    Not sure why it's there. Could you ask a board guide on that board to move it over please, giving them the link so they can do it quickly?
    (Their names are at the bottom of the board)
    Thank you
  • May I enquire as to how it got moved in the first place? Or rather who did it?
    There only appears to be one BG for the Gone Off sub-board and that is redfox. The same sole BG is responsible for the main Food Shopping & Groceries board which is presumably where it was ... and should still be?
  • Why shouldn't it be moved? If it bothers you, start a new thread with a similar title and in your opening post link to the 'expired' thread.
    Lots of long threads get bumped. Who wants to read through months old and years old posts or try to guess how many pages to go back from the most recent/last page to find still pertinent information?
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