21 Nov 2016

A question about : Advise wanted for last minute holiday please

Hi Peeps

I'm looking at booking a last minute holiday in July for Egypt. I cant book at the moment as my son is 17 and has just been told has diabetes type 1 so am not wanting to go away until he is sorted and in a routine with his insulin, plus I need to save some pennies up title=Smile and keep an eye on what's happening in Egypt.

So what I'm after is advise on how close to book a last minute holiday ? How many days before we fly offers a good deal as I know from checking airline and hotel prices fluctuate quite a bit. Is there a pattern each year to price increase/falls? Any Holiday advisors on this forum who has any info I would gratefully appreciate title=Smile

Best answers:

  • It isn't that simple...
    If you get a last-minute bargain it will be something that no-one else wanted, and the reasons they didn't want it might make it unsuitable for you either. So that is a gamble...
    If you don't want to gamble, wait until the insulin routine has been established and you are clear on possible budget and then start looking, and book anything that seems right for you and is at the right price.
  • And when you arrange your travel insurance don't forget to inform the insurance company of your son's diabetes
  • Thanks for your comments peeps I really appreciate it
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