10 Jul 2015

A question about : Advice needed...

Hello, I started a new jobs 3 months ago & recently passed my probationary period. My job is really full on and there's lots to learn, still learning now & I've been kind of thrown in the deep end with it all.
Today my boss had texted my other boss and she's always said to me if her phone goes off to see who it is I case it's an emergency. Anyway I read the text as it came up with just a mobile number and they were talking about me any that I'm making a lot of mistake title=Frown and relying on them too much which completely made my heart sink.
Immediately after that I kept my head down & tried to avoid asking any questions etc & to the point where my boss said that I'd done something wrong and I made an indirect comment that I'm making a lot of mistakes to which she replied don't worry we're only human.

Now this has really bothered me and I don't know how to approach it or just to leave this. Nothing has been said to me directly but can't help but worry and I only ask questions most of the time for reassurance to ensure I'm not making mistakes

Best answers:

  • I would ask them both if they have any issues with your performance, but I wouldn't mention the phone thing. Just say to them that you are keen to know that you're doing ok and would like to know if there are any areas they feel you could improve on
    Give them the opportunity to be honest with you first.
    Good luck
  • If you don't want to hear the answer, don't ask the question.
  • What are you doing to correct the real problem?
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