13 Nov 2016

A question about : 6month smile invisalign addvice req

Went to see an orthodontist today as one of my top front teeth sticks out a bit.
The 2 options i am considering
1. 6month smile at cost of 2k and takes 6months
2.invisalign at 2.5k and takes 4 months approx

The brace will be for top teeth only, originally i was opting for the invisalign i think purely for aesthetic reasons, but now had time to think,im thinking the 6month brace dont look to bad really and wont have the hassel of taking them out for eating drinking and cleaning teeth and may be even more comfortable.

Whats your thoughts and experience

Best answers:

  • You pays your money, you takes your choice.
    I'm sure the pros & cons of each have been well explained by the orthodontist. Technically both will do the job ( You've seen an orthodontist, which is better than seeing a general dentist only trained in one system - and he wouldn't recommend anything that wouldn't work) - So it's up to you really!
    I'm sure you'll get people posting here saying they did/didn't like one or other of the systems - but everybody is different, and there will be very few people who will have had both and can directly compare one with the other.
    Throwing a dart at a post it note with both systems written on it is just as good a way to decide if appearance and cost don't tip it one way or another!
  • Cheers TS
    Agreed, very much doubt one person has had both, but interested to hear any pros and cons from peoples experience, i dont think i could handle 6months of pain for sake of bit of vanity at the end of the day.
    From sounds of what your saying there pretty much of a muchness, but to me they look 2 totally different applications but do the same job at the end of the day
  • That's pretty much it!
    But it's not 6 months of pain! There can be a little bit of discomfort for the first couple of days whilst getting used to the appliance, and probably a few hours of discomfort each time the appliance is adjusted (or changed in the case of Invisalign) - but that's pretty much it.
  • That dont sound to bad.
    I think i got my wires cross when i saw orthodontist,it was my initial visit just to see/discuss options, i think it must of been the orthodontist sidekick as she said the my next visit will be with the orthodontist for a consultation. So he can ans any questions when i visit and instruct whats best for me. If i have the choice i think i will opt for 6month smile
  • Having tried both, I much prefer Invisalign. Less traumatic for lips and gums (sores!), can take it out for a meal, easy to clean and they are discreet. Just my opinion.
  • For that sort of money, you might do them all as well....
  • I've just finished my Invisalign treatment for both top and bottom teeth. One one my front teeth had a near 90degrees turn in it and bottom teeth have never been straight.
    Didn't suffer from pain during the near 2 years of wearing braces, more tenderness for a couple of days after putting new braces in every couple of weeks. Very few people knew I was wearing braces and pupils I taught had no idea.
    I'm not a big tea/coffee drinker so it wasn't too much hassle taking them out to eat.
    I shopped around a couple of orthodontics to find the right kind of practice for me as I figured it was the only time I would be paying for private treatment. All work was included for the duration of treatment.
    For top teeth only, your quote sounds quite high.
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