21 Oct 2016

A question about : 4 Day Walking Festival

There is another 4 day walking festival in Southern Spain this year. There are 4 days of organised walks (easy and moderate to choose from each day) based around Competa. Its only an hour from Malaga airport so arranging flights and accommodation is easy. E20 for all four days or pay E7.5 per day. This year there are a couple of stages from the new GR249 route included in the festival. The GR249 is a huge circular walking route around Andalucia with 35 separate stages.
Flyer; https://www.walkspain.co.uk/wp-conten...2014-Flyer.pdf
Website; https://www.walkspain.co.uk/walking-festival/
GR249 information; https://www.gransendademalaga.es/

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