20 Jul 2017

A question about : 2l Rapeseed Oil Ј1.44 @ Asda

A few weeks ago Asda launched Britannia cooking oil at Ј2 for a squarish 2 litre bottle. By the time I needed some, it had gone up to Ј3, so I bought Aldi's Ј1/1l offering instead. I've been keeping an eye on the price whilst shopping in Asda expecting it to rollback to Ј2 at some point, but yesterday noticed it was only Ј1.44...with no rollback sticker. Bought some, in case it was a misprice. Mind you, oil prices have been tumbling over recent weeks title=Smile

Best answers:

  • Thanks, online too https://groceries.asda.com/asda-webst...t/910001409227
    Shame it's not cold pressed Virgin rapeseed which I use for dressings as that would be a massive bargain! Still fantastic price though for cooking. I use this one for dressings/drizzling etc https://www.amazon.co.uk/Oil-Aldborou...M2FHJTFHZD6FXM
  • I wonder why it does not say rapeseed on the product description? It *is* rapeseed oil, maybe rapeseed oil has a bad press. Thanks.
  • Rapeseed oil is called canola oil in N America bc it was modified by breeding in Canada. Before 1950s humans couldn't eat the stuff it was too toxic. So I don't care how healthy it's claimed to be, it's only grown for EU subsidies and if chefs weren't pushing the stuff there'd prolly be a rapeseed oil lake
  • Crisp n dry is simply the best oil for frying IMHO. X
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