22 Oct 2015

A question about : Is this 0% credit card trick legal?

To avoid a money transfer fee from a 0% purchase credit card. Can I use a 0% purchase credit card and make a purchase through a streamline machine. Then have the money refunded to a current account debit card? There by moving the money without incurring a money transfer fee.

The reason I ask as I want to use the free cash to offset my mortgage. Is this a clever trick or an illegal one?

Should I just go for an MBNA money transfer card? Is there another way I can get some free cash to offset my mortgage?

Thank you kindly in advance.

Best answers:

  • If this was possible don't you think that everybody would be doing it. Credit cards have been around a very long time.
  • Why isn't this possible?
  • It's not illegal as far as I've aware. But it's more likely the retailer will ask you to use the card you made the purchase with, as they wouldn't get their fees refunded otherwise. The question is, would they notice if you didn't, or would the software block the refund?
  • the streamline machine will probably class it as a cash advance, not a purchase from a retailer. In which case you wont get 0% but a much larger instant interest rate.
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