02 May 2018

A question about : Really need some advice

Five years ago I was on JSA and took out two small crisis loans totalling Ј82.20. They never took the money from my benefits, and when I called the DWP to pay it off when I started work, they said they couldn't locate the loans.

December just gone, a deduction of earnings order was applied to my pay from DWP, for the full Ј82.20. Apparently they had my old address so I wasn't receiving their letters. Either way I was fine with this. I spoke to DWP who advised it was the one payment and that was it.

Come January payday, another Ј82.20 was taken from my wages via this DEO. I contacted HR who said I needed to contact DWP as money was already sent to them. Contacted DWP, they said it would take around 2 weeks for money to get to them.

4 weeks later, the money STILL hasn't got to DWP. I have raised cases with my HR, who just advise I need to call DWP. I have told them on Friday that I was ringing DWP for the past 4 weeks, and they do NOT have the money, therefore it must still be with my employer.

Any advice on what I can do here?

I'm waiting on HR to get back to me again about where my money is, but I'm just super annoyed. I only got a basic wage in Jan, which was Ј80 down (which is the money I would have used for food at work, so I haven't eaten much in the way of lunches this month, which my HR now about and refused to help me with).

Best answers:

  • Have the DWP confirmed that they got the first Ј82.20 and that your account is clear, but that they haven't received the second, or have they not received either of them?
  • What on earth were HR doing, they should be contacting you first before this deduction? Also, they are aware that you already made a payment?
  • DWP confirmed the first payment of Ј82.20 was received 2 weeks after it was sent to them on my payday, and xmas was within that 2 weeks as well. They have confirmed my 'debt' with them is all paid up.
    HR did not inform me of this deduction, I didn't know about this DEO until payday, when it showed on my pay slip.
    HR keep telling me to contact DWP, but they do not have the money. I contacted HR on Friday (third time) and they are apparently investigating it, I just want to know what I can do as if they keep coming back and saying it's been sent, and DWP haven't received it, then I've lost out on Ј82 of hard earned money.
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