22 Jun 2015

A question about : 0% Balance Transfers for UK Expats?


I'm a UK expat living in Germany and I have some debts on my UK credit card that I'd like to transfer to a 0% interest card.

I checked the balance transfer eligibility calculator on the MSE website, but I think the details required to complete the fields only cater for UK residents...

Does anyone know of any 0% interest cards open to expats or, alternatively, can anyone kindly offer me some advice on what I should do in this situation? Is balance transfer still an option for me?

Thank you in advance!!

Best answers:

  • Without a UK address you'll be unable to get any new credit card, let alone a 0% one.
  • Realistically you have 2 choices depending on your situation:
    1) Ask a family member in the UK to apply for one if they have a good rating and do a BT off your cards (few ask who the old card holder is so long as you're paying a fee) - then pay them
    2) See what German banks offer (see if there is a MSE equivalent)?
  • Thanks for the responses!
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