21 Jun 2015

A question about : The Sub Prime Credit Thread

The Sub Prime Credit Thread - Part IV

Welcome to the 4th edition of the fantastic Sub Prime Credit Thread, originally created by Proliant and followed up by CifPower. This thread contains all previous versions of the threads and all the Sub Prime deals available right now!

Last Updated: 15 January 2010

Previous Threads

Credit Cards

Catalogue Accounts

Basic Bank Accounts


Best answers:

  • Finally got control eh! Hope you were polite and asked Proliant and Cif first!
  • I'm here, oh the pink vanquis card is fancy lol
  • Thank you for the very fancy thread. I just looked at my experian and equifax. I have about 9 credit accounts showing, all green and the only big one is the car showing at Ј8k. I think it must be the ccj that is stopping me from getting a card, but if thats the case why have I got two mobile contracts and endless catalogues?
    The ccj shows it was put on in jan 2006 - does anyoone know how long they take to go off the file?
  • On checking my credit file last night my defaults have now been removed,
    this just leaves me with the one ccj (now settled) from july 07,
    can anyone recommend a card to apply for
    At the minute i have:-
    Barclays current account
    vanquis card
    capital one classic
    orange mobile contract
    Three mobile contract
    All full of green 0's
    looking to try to move towards mainstream
  • TBH until that CCJ is older you may still have difficulty getting mainstream. The other one you could add to your list of sub prime cards is the Aqua card, unfortunately even Barclaycard Initial is unlikely with the CCJ there, but you could always use the Barclaycard pre-application checker to see if it's viable:
    Good luck, and keep us posted
  • The CapitalOne Progress card hasn't been mentioned on here much. It seems sub-prime. It starts off at the same interest rate as the classic, however the longer you have the card, the lower the interest rate goes, to the lowest being 19.9%.
    It seas you need a good credit history with no CCJ's or Defaults within the last 12 months.
    I would apply, but I already have a classic card and am on a 'no search' sabbatical.
  • What a pretty thread
  • How strict is the Diners card? (https://www.dinersclub.co.uk/#en/what...club-card.html)
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