22 Feb 2018

A question about : Capital One Credit Limit


Anyone had a recent increase from Capital one? I've had a card since July and paid in full every month

Also wife had one since last January and again paid in full every month


Best answers:

  • You mean a requested one approved or a unsolicited one from Cap1?
  • A one they just give out
  • Got mine in August. Limit increased from Ј200 to Ј450 in Jan. Tried for a Barclaycard initial in Jan got accepted for one with Ј650.
  • hummmm, wonder if they'll give me one soon?
  • I've had a card with them over a year and have never been offered a credit limit increase.
    My friend got a card with them with a lower salary and worse credit history than mine and they trebled her limit within three months. So who knows how they decide these things?
    I have recently been accepted for a Barclaycard Initial which a much higher limit so will be using that from now on.
  • I have had a Capital One for nearly five years. It started off with a Ј500 limit.
    After about 18 months they doubled it to Ј1100
    After another two and a half years they increased again to Ј2100
    Then just a couple of weeks ago they increased it again to Ј2850
    I've never asked for an increase. I have done a lot of spending and then paying back in full, but I have also had small balances sitting on it (so probably ideal from CO's point of view). I once had a late payment, but explained and got my charge refunded. I only have an income of about Ј6000 pa due to being a housewife.
  • It took about 5 months for them to offer me an increase from Ј1000 to Ј1250. I was using just under half the available credit per month at this point.
  • Had cap1 card for approx six months starting limit was Ј1000 spent no more than 30% of balance and paid in full when received email statement. Limit now increased to Ј20000. I have had defaults and ccj's but all settled and still on credit report. Maybe because I pay in full as soon as get email statement
  • Have had a Capital One Classic card for about 18 months. Started at the standard Ј200 limit, after a few months of making minimum payments +Ј10 and the rest of the months was paid in full, guess where my limit is at now?
    Yes, you've guessed it... Ј200.
  • Yep Ј2000 typo sorry. Must add did not apply got a letter from them saying I had been pre approved. Wether that's had anything to do with past problems and them thinking could make ЈЈЈЈ from me. Determined to use this card to re build credit record. After past problems good to think can have second chance to be a good boy lol.
  • Had my CapOne account for nearly twelve years - but as far as I can remember my credit limit has never changed (certainly hasn't in last 6 years according to noddle). It's Ј15,000, and my highest balance in last 6 years was Ј14,600 so getting close obviously didn't trigger an automatic one.
  • I have a Capital One Classic Extra since July. Got a letter in late October to say that they were increasing my limit from Ј200 to Ј1200. Then a week later they said they made a mistake and that the new limit would be Ј700. It started early December.
  • I got mine in April - Ј200 limit, only just at end of last month have they increased it to Ј450 after 9 months!
  • You can always call and ask for an increase :/
  • Been with capital one about 6 months, sent them a message last night and this morning they had increased my limit.
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