15 Mar 2019

A question about : How do you reduce those black marks under your eyes?

I dont know what you call them but some days i have little black marks just in the corner of my eyes. Some days they look like bruises and i dont like them. How do you get rid of them?

Best answers:

  • I read on MSE somewhere that revlon photo ready concealer is good for dark shadows but I have not tried it so can not comment if it's worth purchasing or if the product works.
  • Nothing will get rid of them. Dark circles are part of life for many. A good concealer will tone them down.
  • I'm a man, is it ok to wear concealer?
  • Why not, there are male cosmetics including YSL Touche Elcat which is a highlighter which many use to lighten dark circles.
  • If you only get them some days, I'd say those are probably the days you're tired. Try to get more sleep.
  • Drink plenty of water too, dehydration can make them appear worse. I wouldn't suggest YSLs Touche Eclat. It's a highlighter, not a concealer. You could try looking up Goss Make Up Artist on Youtube. He's fab.
  • The Benefit Its Potent eye cream is amazing. My husband sometimes borrows this when he's lacking sleep and has black circles (shhhh, don't tell him I told you so!)
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