21 Jun 2015

A question about : How best to pay for a hotel in Spain?

Hi for the first time we have booked direct with a hotel and cost is around say 1700 euro's. What is best to pay for the hotel with the Euro rate so good?

Do I put the 1700 euro's on a prepaid card and then pay for it when I get there?

Do I pay for bill on my existing credit card now? When rate is good it just wait until I get there?

Take cash(probably not a good idea)

Just not sure how best to pay when the sterling rate is so good at the moment

Many thanks


Best answers:

  • Pay on a credit card, preferably one that doesn't charge for paying in a foregin currency.
  • Nobody can predict what the rate is going to be so nobody can answer that. I would just be inclined to pay for it on credit card now and get it over and done with. If you want to wait it's the risk you take.
  • I would personally pay on a credit card but most cards (including mine) have a foreign exchange loading fee added. If you have more than one card check the terms and conditions to see which is cheaper.
    Some places offer the option of paying in sterling or local currency. Alway choose local currency.
    As a new user I can't post a link but search for "debit card overseas pay in sterling or local" and the second item is a Martin Lewis blog on the subject.
  • Your first and third options suggest that the hotel doesn't need to be paid now, is that correct? Not even a deposit? Anyway, whatever their payment routine is it's a no-brainer to put some of the cost on a credit card for S75 cover, whether you do that now, when you get there, or at some point in between, is down to you to decide on where you think the exchange rate will go. With a UK general election in the offing, conflict on the edges of Europe, and the woes of the less sound parts of the Eurozone, anybody who gets that prediction right is either very good or has taken a lucky guess.
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