18 Jun 2015

A question about : Does Santander contactless card request change number?

I rang to request a contactless version of my 123 card today and the customer service agent said my current card would be blocked while a new card was issued. However he could not say if the card number would change as a result, so I withdrew the request for the moment and said I would wait until renewed next year (too much hassle changing card cancellation protection and online sites).

Does anyone have any experience of this they could share? Will the card number change?

Best answers:

  • Just a quick update: The card is now received and when ordering online I can confirm that the card number has changed and it is contactless. This may bethe consequence of doing it online, changing to contactless or just inevitable, who knows!
  • I'm expecting a new 123 CC to arrive soon as my existing card expires next month.
    I can see my new card number online, alongside my existing card number. Both these card numbers have identical balances and transactions. I messaged them to ask why there was a new card number. They said the old number would become invalid as soon as I used the new card and the duplicate transaction record would then disappear.
    The old card is not contactless, I expect the new one will be contactless.
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