25 Mar 2019

A question about : UKPC


New to this forum.
Tried to read some information here but reading and just not sure which action should I take first, therefore I thought I would ask you guys.

On 11/02/15 I was having a catch up, lunch and coffee with a friend.
After 50 minutes in McDonalds, we realized we will be here longer than 90 minutes therefore I went to ask assistant manager can I speak someone about the parking. She straight away gave me piece of paper and pen and said white registration number I said that I will write my friends too, she said its fine.
I went to window, wrote make and models of cars and also registrations number and gave her the piece of paper, got my coffee and went back being relaxed now that I won't get fine or my friend.

Today I received a letter saying that I stayed 2:20h instead of 90 minutes and McDonald and camera registered pictures of my times of arrival and when I left.
Pictures are presented on charge notice too.
Usual stuff 50 pound or 100 after 14 days.

My first idea is to go on Monday/Tuesday directly to McDonalds with my friend and ask to speak to store manager about unpleasant situation we have before of incompetency of the staff working there. Look at cameras in store when I was writing and giving piece of paper to staff member and get copies of that recording. If conversation won't work then make a complain ?

First time got a charge notice from UKPC or private companies therefore not sure how to tackle this.

Thank you for all your help in advance.

Best answers:

  • Hello everyone,
    Right I have red the newbies thread I will follow the template provided there however I have one question.
    During my stay at McDonald, I read the sign and I went to tell staff there about staying longer as sign suggested if you plan on staying have chat with assistant manager. They took my registration to put on system to not be charged and said it's fine no problem.
    Therefore it is their fault.
    Should I put that as a one of the points when writing the appeal letter ?
    But by doing that I say I read the sign which point is stronger ?
    Tomorrow going to complain to that McDonald if they can't do nothing about that, then of course appeal and also read sometime we can win by appealing to main office which I will do as well and send nasty letter to them. Will try take some names too.
    Sorry for silly questions.
    Thank you.
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