11 Jun 2019

A question about : PPI rejected 3 years ago

Hi can someone please advise: I sent a letter to my bank (Clydesdale) 3 years ago asking for a refund on my PPI, they rejected this, they enclosed a copy of my application. I have since found out that as nobody explained what I was signing for then I should have been eligible for a refund. It has also been brought to my attention that Clydesdale Bank are re examining previous applications that were rejected, my question is should I reapply or leave it for them to contact me as they're saying they shall contact customers who were rejected unfairly. Thanks in advance for any help title=Smile

Best answers:

  • Banks have routinely 'managed down' their uphold rates and over the last few years have been told to re-visit these cases. Was this because the original review was accurate fair and honest? You decide.
    You should write to Clydesdale and tell them you want the case re-opened based on what you have heard and tell them you believe you were treated unfairly in the original review. If they have not reviewed your case properly then your complaint should be upheld and you will be 'eligible' for a refund
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