30 Dec 2017

A question about : How posh are you?

That's it for this week, but before you go, take this quick quiz to see how much of a 4x4-driving, Barbour-wearing rah you are (or not).

The Posh Test

Insert by MSE Martin

I tried, and I'm 47% posh. Not sure where that stands, after all I'm Northern, but I'm from Cheshire. Let us know how you do

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Best answers:

  • 27% and I thought I was posh!
  • 37 %. I get told all the time my children speak posh!!!
  • 17%- phew!
  • 40% - cor bl*mey guvnor!
  • 53%
  • 53% Which isn't a surprise as there is nothing too good for the working classses. Also if your parents were/are foreign it's easy to be posh. Always eat at the dinner table so we can wave hands and talk loudly at each other, with our elbows on the table. Opera it's in the blood. I use French, Spanish, Italian and Urdu words. Just don't understand my own Mum when she speaks English and she's been here 55 years!
  • I think i scored quite well...
  • 70% and of course I know people called Philippa and Rupert - doesn't everyone?
  • 33% Us Northerners haven't got a chance: thank goodness!!!!
  • I too got 47% must be turning into a Martin clone with all the money saving stuff. My wife will never believe it!
  • 57% and im a northerner lol
  • 7% and proud!!
  • 27% ???
    Pater won't be pleased!
  • Well, I ended up with 50%. So, if I can find enough money maybe I should see a psychiatrist! Often in these "Just for fun" types of quizzes, some of the questions are weird. many of my friends and acquaintances refer to their "Garridge", regardless of where they come from. I think that the mis-pronunciation of words is usually down to ignorance, it does not matter where you live, or were brought up. The important thing is to be understood, innit!
    Also, sometimes I remove my shoes upon entering a house. So what? Furthermore, this North / South malarkey is complete rubbish and as for verbal class distinction.....
  • 37% .....lol
  • "You are 10% Posh!"
    And what?
  • I am 23% posh
  • The firewall at work blocked because it reckoned it was pornography, not quite sure how that happened..!
  • 17% - clearly at the chavvy end of the scale
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