26 Aug 2016

A question about : How to leave Vodafone at the end of a minimum term contract

Hi all,

Please can you advise how to correctly give 30 days notice to Vodafone in order to successfully end ties with the company and not be charged a day over the minimum term (24 months in this case).

I have read that you have to send a dated letter to the Vodafone disconnections department by recorded mail, although Vodafone themselves say this is not necessary anymore I'm not sure I trust them to accept notice given over chat or email.

Do I have to give notice on exactly 30 days to the day, and if I send a letter do I just date it and send it before?

They appear to be very anal about these things so I would like to get it right and save myself some unneeded hassle.


Best answers:

  • Do you need to keep the number? If you do then its academic as you have little control over the porting cut over date.
    Write them a letter asking for disconnection on a set date, sending it recorded, that's it.
    I've never found Vodafone to be anal about written disconnections and prefer it in writing as they cannot say they never received it, that said I've also done it in calls with no problems, just ask for them to confirm it all in writing to you.
    I suspect a lot of the problems are when people ask for a PAC code and give notice which cannot be done, and create confusion in their minds.
  • Ok so the instances you described are what I find confusing.
    You're saying if I request a PAC code then I shouldn't also give notice to terminate?
    Which date then marks the termination date, is it the day of port or is the end of minimum term?
    I don't want to incur charges for early termination if the port occurs before the end of minimum term.
  • when you ask for your PAC code, this is your termination request as you have 30 days to use it, once you use your PAC with a new provider then this is your termination date. If you dont use your PAC code then you will just keep paying in normal way
  • never had an issue terminating with them, some do like most companys
  • i think also some people will get confused with the different dates. i am will EE and have 3 dates
    CONTRACT END DATE: 22 Nov 2015
    UPGRADE DATE: 08 Oct 2015
    EARLY UPGRADE DATE: 23 May 2014
  • So basically there isn't a way to port out before the end of the minimum term without incuring charges, and i'm forced to port out after and pay Vodafone's undiscounted rate for however many days until the port occurs.
    How will I have confirmation that my account has been closed?
    I've definitely read reports where customers were being billed even after porting out as the account wasn't properly terminated.
  • Can someone explain this:
    If the PAC request counts as notice to terminate and I have to use the PAC within 30 days or it expires, how can I port out after the 30 days?
    If the PAC expires then I have to request it again and have to wait another 30 days.
    There doesn't seem to be a clean way out of this.
  • In practice it does.
    It's like a notice, but if it expires unused the contract goes on.
  • Thank you, that wasn't clear to me.
    That makes the process much easier then.
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