21 Jun 2018

If you were to stock up for 6 months, what would you buy?

A question about : If you were to stock up for 6 months, what would you buy?

Hi there
I generally lurk around here sucking up all the good advice.

So wondering if you can help me!! Apologies in advance for the long post - I am probably going to put ask on my DF diary but think maybe it would be helpful to ask for advice here too.

29 Jul 2017

ASDA reduced to clear reductions only MORE ADDED

A question about : ASDA reduced to clear reductions only MORE ADDED


/ What's the deal?

With the highest possible score of 999 on the WOW forum feed, it's clear these Asda bargains are super popular with forumites. This thread has hundreds of listings of reduced-to-clear items at Asda, going for as little as 8p. Bargains currently on offer include baking products, desserts & pasta sauces.

24 Jul 2017

The Best Substitution Ever!

A question about : The Best Substitution Ever!

Insert By Martin

We couldn't resist this thread. We all know mistakes can be made when it comes to online grocery shopping. Some get two whole chicken instead of chicken wings, and some don't quite get what they ordered. Yet sometimes they can be pure comedy - just read through and report your own.

The winner with out a doubt (so far) is ordered tampons and got a Twix (do your own jokes!)

Thanks to everyone who's reported their misgives.


